Get in touch with our friendly staff today.

Get in touch with our friendly staff today.

Get in touch with our friendly, local Gold Coast staff today.

Gutter cleaning GOLD COAST, pressure cleaning and house washing, Gutters Blocked Gold Coast

We also offer external soft cleaning or low-pressure house washing for your Gold Coast home.
House washing + sanitising for better health – COVID 19 SAFE contactless services.

A little about us

Before Vacuum Gutter Cleaning in Gold Coast, the only way to clean gutters was by blowing out leaves or removing them by hand.

Vacuum gutter cleaning is a far superior way to remove leaves, mud, and dirt from gutters and down-pipes quickly, safely and effectively.

Gutters Blocked uses a powerful vacuum with special attachments that remove leaves and mud more effectively than any other cleaning method. It can easily suck up wet or dry leaves and mud leaving a clean gutter and allowing efficient water flow.

The debris is sucked into large 205 ltr drums, we remove the leaves or you can keep it and use for mulch around the garden.

Gutters Blocked, services properties of all sizes and are all backed by our satisfaction guarantee.

Some before and after photos

We use the latest professional, Australian made ENDUROVAC equipment, fast, clean and safe.

Read more on some of our services

Domestic Gutter Cleaning Gold Coast

Commercial Gutter Cleaning Gold Coast

Roof Gutter Guards Gold Coast

House soft washing + sanitising Gold Coast

Request A Callback

Our team will be in touch as soon as possible to discuss your needs.

Professional Gutter Cleaning Gold Coast - One off cleans
Professional Gutter Cleaning Gold Coast - Care Plans

Call Us

Our lines are open 7 days a week for emergencies and general enquiries.

0407 321 018